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Subject: Growing Up Kyle Chapter 37 (Gay/Incest) DONATION: Nifty is a not-for-profit organization that heavily relies on our donations to keep the site free and accessible. Your donations pay for web hosting fees and other day-to-day activities for the wonderful staff of editors/publishers. You can donate on the website at fty/ Every little bit counts. DISCLAIMER: This story is a work of fiction, and contains explicit, sexual content involving adults over the age of 21 and minors under the age of 13, and scenes of incest involving step-parents/step-children. If viewing this material is illegal where you live, OR you’re a minor under the age of 18, please stop reading his. If you’re not sure about this legality, please stop reading until you have looked into your own, local laws. Any likeness or similarity between persons, places, products or concepts are purely coincidental. If you would like to leave any positive feedback, please let me know. Thank you. Chapter 37 Lydia and Terry came over around noon. The boys were playing in the living room, while Rick was in the kitchen, glad for the rescue. After a few corrections and a quick store run by Terry, dinner was served. The adults ate in the living room, while the boys ate at the table. Charlie was more subdued than normal, and Kyle guessed it was due to their mother’s absence. Pie was served to everyone in front of the TV, so they could watch the football game. That night, Charlie slept with his dad, while Kyle and Ry slept together. Kyle’s room was rather spars in order to make room for the new bed that Rick had ordered online. Everything except his bed and dresser were moved to the garage. Kyle loved Ry, but all the new changes in his life was creating some resentment. Kyle felt that Ry was invading his space a little too much lately. He hoped that the bigger bed would make things better. Kyle woke up early the next morning feeling sick with nerves. He still didn’t want to go to the visit and couldn’t understand why he wasn’t given a choice. After all, he hadn’t seen his mother in weeks, and she hadn’t abused him. Rick and Kyle left the house around half-past-noon, leaving Ry to watch Charlie. Rick hoped he had a house when he returned, though he assured the boys that Terry was going to check on them at least once. Rick parked the truck and saw Parker’s car. He took a steadying breath and held Kyle’s hand as they entered Rebecca’s office. Antonio met them at the door and said that Rebecca needed to see Rick before the visit was to start. Kyle took a seat in the lobby, as Rick entered the conference room. Rick entered the other room, and Kyle could see the man from the other day sitting across from Rebecca. He looked at Kyle, smiled broadly and waved, just before the door was closed again. Kyle couldn’t believe that Will Parker was his father. It was still too foreign for him to grasp. He had spent years wondering who the man was, what he was like, and why his mother left. Now, Kyle had his answers, at least most of them, and all he wanted was to go home. The time passed slowly. Antonio had flitted in and out of the room. He was nice enough, but hovered a little too much for Kyle’s liking; it made him suspicious. Usually when adults fussed, like Antonio was, it meant that something was wrong, like the time Ronda kept fussing over him before mentioning that his dog had been hit by a car. Kyle wished they were upfront and honest with him. He was already there against his will, so there couldn’t be anything worse coming…or was there? “Kyle,” Rebecca said, poking her head out of the door, “We’re ready for you now.” Kyle gave a quasi-huff/sigh as he stood. His anxiety was climbing, and he felt like running out of the office. Instead he walked into the conference room like a good boy. The tension was thick and most of it was coming off of Rick, who kept his eyes on Will Parker. Parker, on the other hand, was all smiles, greeted Kyle warmly and shook the boy’s hand. “I have waited a long time for this moment, so I apologize for my nervousness,” he said, taking his seat across the table from his son. Kyle didn’t reply, but took his seat next to Rick, who quickly wrapped an arm around Kyle. “Who would like something to drink?” Antonio asked. “I would love a cup. 2 creams, 2 sugars, if that’s alright?” Parker asked, never once dropping his smile. “Anyone else?” Antonio seemed annoyed. Rebecca requested a pitcher of water with glasses. şişli travesti After Antonio arrived with the drinks, he took a seat at the far end of the table, and turned on a camera. Kyle looked puzzled, and Parker said, “I requested that all our visits be recorded. I hope you don’t mind.” Kyle started to object but let it go. “Okay,” Parker continued, “before we get too far along, I have some gifts for you.” “We didn’t agree on presents,” Rick aggressively stated. Parker chuckled and said, “I wouldn’t necessarily call these presents. More like I’m returning items stolen from our son.” Kyle shook his head at the words “our son.” It was one thing to hear his mother and Rick use that phrase, but to hear it used so casually from a total stranger was just too weird. Rick ended his protest, but held his tongue at the ready. Parker grabbed a large box from behind him, opened it and pulled out an old photo album. He slid it across the table towards Kyle, who reluctantly accepted it. “Those belong to you, and I’m glad we have the time to go over the contents together.” Kyle opened the cover and the first page was a large picture of a baby. “Is that me?” “It is; taken the day your mother and I brought you home.” Kyle turned the page and saw a birth record from a Nebraska hospital. The name on it was William Henry Parker IV. He had Kyle’s birthday, and seemed small at birth. “Who’s this?” Kyle asked, though he guessed before he asked. “That is you, also. That’s your birth name. You were named after your great-grandfather, who I was also named after, as my father before me. I called you Billy. You mother didn’t like the name and wanted to name you Kyle, after her favorite uncle.” “So my real name is Billy?” “No,” said Parker, giving a sad, little sigh “No, you’re Kyle. I lost my Billy a very long time ago.” The sadness broke through Parker’s genial visage. Kyle and his father continued to go through the album, much of it was empty. Kyle saw pictures of family members he didn’t know existed. There were pictures of his parents in college, where they had met. He had never seen his mother look so young and happy. There were pictures of Parker from when he was Kyle’s age, and the similarities were unnerving; they could’ve been twins. Parker continued to remove items from the box, including Kyle’s first pair of shoes, an old teddy bear named Mr. Snuggles, and a few other trinkets and toys. Parker’s face lit up with each item presented. Once the box was empty, he passed it over to Kyle, so he could take the items home. “I suppose we should address the elephant in the room,” Parker said, his demeanor changing from joy to business. He looked at Kyle and said, “I suppose you want to know why I abused you.” Kyle was taken aback, but he nodded. Rick protested, but Parker held up his hand. “I believe Kyle has the right to know the truth, or at least my side of things. I respect and appreciate everything you’re doing for our son, Rick, but I believe the choice should be Kyle’s, and Kyle’s alone.” Kyle hated being put on the spot, but he needed to know. “Why did you?” “I didn’t,” Parker said plainly. “But you went to prison for molesting me?” “Yes, I was.” “So you must have done it!” Kyle demanded. “I did a lot of things, Kyle, but that was not one of them.” Rick interjected, “Your file is thick with charges. I’ve seen it with my own eyes.” “That file,” Parker replied, “is a copy of the original court filings. What it doesn’t reflect the appeals that overturned almost all the charges, except for those relating to two victims: Kyle and one Emily Ross.” “See!” Rick said triumphantly. “The higher courts said you did it.” “That’s because my appeal is still active,” Parker said, his tone never wavering. “New evidence has come to light, so I’m waiting for my next court date to present it. I believe I will have that conviction overturned, as well. Which reminds me,” Parker said, grabbing his briefcase from his side. He opened the case and handed a thick envelope to Rebecca. “Here’s a copy of my brief. You’ll find the relevant motions, so take your time reviewing them.” Rebecca, looking perplexed, opened the packet and started to go through them. Her eyes widened a little as she perused the forms. “What is it?” Rick asked, almost demanded. “They’re custody papers,” Parker replied. His cheerful demeanor returned. “I’ll be damned if you think I’m going to give you custody,” Rick snapped. beylikdüzü travesti Parker said, “I wouldn’t expect you to, which is why I’m signing over full custody of Kyle to you.” “What?!” Rick, Kyle and Antonio said. “I want to make this as clear as I possibly can,” Parker said. “Even though I know that Kyle and Billy are the same person, it doesn’t change that Kyle is not my Billy. Rick, you have raised him since he was a toddler, and you’re the only father he has ever known. It would be foolish of me to think that I could possibly have that relationship with Kyle. It only makes sense that the best course of action is for you to retain custody of Kyle, at least until Kyle is old enough to make that choice for himself.” “What’s the catch?” Rick asked. “There really isn’t a catch, per se. There are caveats and requirements that will need to be in place, but so long as we come to an agreement, I don’t see why Kyle can’t continue living with you.” “What are your demands?” Rick asked. He was very skeptical and his tone didn’t hide it. “For starters, the paperwork can’t be filed until after Ronda gives you custody. If she ever found out about this meeting, she’d do everything in her limited power to make sure that Kyle is taken from both of us.” Rick nodded his agreement. “Second, I want visits, similar to the ones currently in place. I’m also wanting to revisit the visitation order upon the disposition of my appeal.” Rick agreed. He didn’t really want to, but he wanted to see what else Parker was offering, because it was sounding too good to be true. “Third, I will continue to pay child support as we discussed the other day. I think it’s only right, given that you’re doing it all on your own. I will also add that if you need something that the support can’t cover, you’re to contact me, and I’ll see what I can do.” “Why are you doing this?” Kyle asked. “Because,” Parker said, “You’re our son, and it’s your fathers’ duties to make sure you and your brother are taken care of.” “Leave Charlie out of this,” Rick warned. Parker laughed, “I don’t expect to have a relationship with Charlie, Rick. However, as someone who has been in Charlie’s position, you have to be careful. You don’t want him resenting you or Kyle for the gifts and benefits Kyle will receive from this arrangement. I want to make this as smooth and painless as possible for everyone.” “Is there anything else?” Rick asked. “Aside from technical, legal details and matters, that should cover the basics.” To Kyle, Parker said, “I know I’ll never be your dad again, and the best I can hope for is an acknowledgment that I’m your father. So, you can just call me Will. I don’t like being called Mr. Parker, and I think it would be too weird.” “Okay,” Kyle said. “Can I ask you another question…Will?” “Absolutely, Kyle. You can always ask me anything.” “Why did you find me?” “Because, I’m your father. You were my everything when you were born, and you were what kept me going in prison. From the day I was arrested, all I wanted to was see you again. I needed to know that you were safe, taken care of and most importantly, loved. I’m very happy to see that your mom and dad have taken very good care of you while I was gone. “You have to understand that I never thought we’d be in this situation. I always thought you, your mother and I would’ve moved to Boston or New York, and sent you to private schools. I thought you’d have a sister by now, as well. However, we can’t always get what we want.” “Are you rich?” Rick admonished Kyle for his rudeness, but Will only laughed. “No, I’m not rich. Your great-grandfather was rich. Most of the family fortune was squandered before you were born. I own a small business that does very well, with a few jobs on the side. ” “What do you do for work?” “I own a private computer security business. I make sure people can’t hack corporations and other businesses.” “Wow,” Kyle said. “Wow, indeed.” Will looked at his watch and said, “Look at the time. I believe our first visit is over. Rick, if you have time, I believe Rebecca and I have arranged for Friday in two weeks.” “I’ll need to check, but I think so.” “Excellent.” “Rebecca,” Rick said, “Since Will has given me a large enough child support payment, I can start paying you.” “Oh, there’s no need for that,” Will said dismissively. “My brief requires me to pay all legal fees associated with Kyle’s custody arrangements. istanbul travesti You don’t have to pay a dime, and any expenses Rebecca has incurred will be billed to me.” “I don’t know what to say,” Rick said. For the first time since the meeting started, his tone was almost normal. “You don’t have to say anything. I’m doing what’s best for our son. I’d do anything to make sure he’s safe and taken care of.” Rick only nodded. He and Kyle started to make their way towards the door. “Rick!” Will called. Rick and Kyle turned to see Will walking towards them with another box. “I know you said no gifts, but I couldn’t help myself.” He handed the box over to Rick, who accepted it. “There’s something in there for Charlie and Ry as well. See you in two weeks.” Rick drove in relative silence. The visit was nothing like he expected, and he could tell that Kyle thought the same thing. It unnerved him that Will was being so nice, and he hoped that Rebecca was smart enough to find any loopholes in the documents she was given. When they pulled into the driveway, there was a loud crash. Kyle was the first to jump out, and he ran towards the door. Rick got out and called after his son. What he saw dropped him to his knees in near hysterical laughter. Ry was tied to a chair, which appeared to have been tipped over, and he was gagged. Sitting next to the restrained boy was Charlie, who was applying his mother’s make up to Ry’s struggling face. “What the hell, Charlie?” Kyle yelled, as he ran to Ry’s rescue. Rick’s eyes teared up from laughing as he halfheartedly told off Charlie. Barely managing to hold himself together, he helped Kyle untie Ry, who was fuming. Apparently, Charlie had made a bet with Ry that Ry couldn’t get out of Charlie’s knots. What Ry didn’t know was that Charlie had learned the double fisherman’s knot (also known as the impossible knot) from Rick’s uncle. Ry lost the bet the second he sat in the chair. According to Charlie, the loser had to wear make-up until Rick and Kyle returned. Despite his bruised ego, Ry took it in stride once untied, but he did insist that Charlie cheated, which Kyle let go to spare his friend. Kyle’s and Ry’s new bed arrived just before dinner. Rick got the boys a queen sized bed. Rick figured it was plenty big for the two of them and Cody when he stayed the night. After it was put together, Rick gave a valiant effort to keep all three boys from jumping on it but to little effect. At dinner, Kyle showed the others his photo album and told them the news about Will not seeking custody. Ry, like Kyle and Rick, didn’t understand Will’s motives and was suspicious; however, Charlie hugged Kyle and cried tears of joy, which made the already hormonal older boy start to cry, as well. After Charlie sat back down, Kyle remembered that Will had given them presents. Inside the box was the latest (and most expensive) video game system, with four controllers and 10 games, one for every year Will missed in Kyle’s life. The boys begged Rick to install it. Rick did so, knowing that there was no hope of finishing his meal until he did. He also made a mental note to buy a second TV. At bedtime, Kyle and Ry got naked and climbed into their new bed. Ry’s bruises still looked bad, but he said that pain was mostly gone. Ry pulled Kyle into his arms, leaned in and kissed him. Not wanting to miss the rare opportunity, Kyle kissed Ry back. This time, Ry gingerly slipped his tongue into Kyle’s welcoming mouth. Ry was rather awkward at it, but Kyle knew that Ry had never French kissed anyone before. Ry pulled his lips from Kyle’s and kissed the boy’s cheeks, making his way to Kyle’s neck. Kyle desperately wanted to grab Ry, but didn’t dare out of fear of hurting him. Ry kissed his way down Kyle’s hairless chest and stomach. Ry took hold of Kyle’s hard cock, licked it and started to suck on it. Kyle stiffened, trying not to cum too quickly. They hadn’t had sex since Ry’s attack, and he didn’t feel it was right to even jerk off. Kyle, instead, focused on running his fingers through Ry’s shaggy hair. Unfortunately, Ry changed tactics and started to lick Kyle’s head, while still going down on him. Ry did the best he could, but he couldn’t swallow everything Kyle’s cock shot out. With a face covered in cum, Ry moved up and kissed Kyle again, this time he slipped his tongue and some of Kyle’s cum into the boy’s mouth. They continued kissing like that until they had swallowed Kyle’s jizz. Kyle repeated the act on Ry, who held out a little longer than Kyle. Ry couldn’t produce nearly as much as Kyle did, but it was enough for the two to taste while kissing. They fell asleep, facing each other, lips lovingly locked. ***Coming Soon, Chapter 38***

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