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Merhaba porno sex hikayeleri okuyucuları,derlediğimiz en büyük hikaye arşivini sizlerin beğenisine sunuyoruz.Aradığınız tüm hikayeler burada
The first time Brett Burgess’ mother appeared outside his window he thought it was an embarrassing accident. Brett was twenty. He had returned home during the summer holidays from university. He was studying computer science. His term time was spent between classes, writing his thesis, marathon training and phoning home to Mum. Brett was an avid runner. He did the 5km in under 20 minutes and was expecting to do his first marathon later that year. He had always been athletic but his build had become more toned and defined at college. He had few friends and was too shy to ask girls out. He was aware of their approving glances and occasionally caught flattering stares and the flirtatious battering of eyelashes. Brett phoned home to Mum every night. They mostly spoke about his thesis and his coursework. She had always taken an intense interest in his intellectual development. But these college phonecalls had allowed them to become closer still. She sometimes shared her frustrations at home. Mostly to do with his father. He was distant. Always out of town and unfriendly. Brett shared his frustrations with girls. At first he told her little. But eventually he opened up more. These phonecalls had brought them surprisingly closer together than they had ever been at home. They had become intimate discussions of their hopes and fears. He never openly said it but he guessed his mother must realise he was still a virgin.
When he had arrived home that summer she had commented on how fit he was looking.
‘Your shoulders are so broad Brett’ she said rubbing them affectionately. He complimented her also. She had lost some weight and he could squeeze her waist between his two large hands. She giggled like a woman half her age. She was forty but she was in very good shape. Her thin waist was accentuated by a large bosom and a backside that hand curved further with age. Her brown hair was cropped short at chin height. She wore librarian glasses that made her look more naughty than stern. She had always been quite strict with Brett. She was known in the neighbourhood to be prim and proper and was the chair at the local church community centre. They had always been conservative at home. Despite his mother’s good figure he had never seen her in swimwear or even a slightly revealing blouse. They never swore or even mentioned bodily functions. In his home nobody spoke of sex.
That’s why it was with some embarrassment and surprise that Brett saw his mother standing outside his window that day. She was watering the garden and had stopped outside some flowers in front of his room. She was partially obscured by the leaves of an overhanging tree. But there could be little beşiktaş escort doubt that from where she was standing she would be able to see straight into his bedroom. He had just come from the shower and in keeping with a habit he had picked up in college had not dressed immediately. His towel was still around his waist as he had been doing little odds and ends tasks around his bedroom. Normally when he went to go shower there was a tacit agreement that no one would venture out onto the front lawn. Sometimes in the old days he would draw his curtains for extra measure but his mother had been such a prude that she had never gone out in any case.
It occurred to him that this must be some kind of bizarre accident. He recognised that if she hadn’t caught sight of him yet that she would do so at any minute. She would then turn away hurriedly and they would never even mention it had happened. Brett had frozen where he was and after several minutes his mother was still there. The flowers must be drowning he thought. He wondered if he should go across and close the curtains. Somehow this felt like the wrong thing to do. It felt rude. Like shutting his mum out. If she was looking at him deliberately then that strangely pleased Brett. It was bringing them closer together still. Besides he wasn’t revealing anything more than she might see at the pool anyway. Mum knows just about everything about my life, he thought, maybe she is just as interested in my physique as she is in my thesis. She had been so unhappy lately. If it made her a bit happy to check me out, he thought, where is the harm in that. Eventually she had stopped watering the flowers and gone back inside.
Later in the evening when they had dinner his mother seemed surprisingly cheery and Brett didn’t know if it was imagination or not but she was acting rather elated. As he predicted they didn’t mention what had happened that afternoon but Brett did wonder if her good mood had been because of it.
A few days later Brett and his mother were having tea in the living room.
‘Brett I am really sorry to dump all this on you. Your father and I are just going through such a rough time at the moment. I have no one else to talk to. It is so good having you home.’ She said with a sob.
‘Mum let me know if there is anything I can do?’ He said earnestly.
‘That is very sweet.’ She smiled warmly. ‘Right that’s enough mopping for one afternoon’ she said with a start. ‘Were you going to take a shower now?’ she asked innocently.
Brett said that he was. It didn’t occur to him even then that his prim mother maybe wasn’t being so proper after all.
After beşyol escort his shower he was standing in his room once more. The front lawn was empty as usual. He could see the drowned flowers in front of his window. He was just about to start dressing when he heard the garden hose outside. He made a start to close the curtains. But something held him back and then as had happened a few days before his mother appeared at the flowers outside his room. For want of something better to do he pretended to be busy sorting things out. He would give her a little show he guessed and then she would go inside as she had previously. But in that moment a thought occurred to Brett that had never occurred to him before. What if she wants to see me in the nude? The thought was weirdly electrifying. It gave Brett a sudden jolt. He felt his pulse increase with a strange unknown excitement. The blood flow increased to his groin.
He was stacking some books on his desk when he began to feel his towel loosen. At first he reached to catch it and then something strange took over him and he decided to leave it be. The towel slid down his buttocks. He knew that from where his mother was standing she would have a perfect view of his bare arse. He half expected her to go now. He thought he would hear the hose pipe turn off and she would go inside. I have taken it too far he thought. He pretended to move books around some more and when he glanced around his shoulder he could see that she was still there. She was closer in if anything. He could see her librarian glasses clearly through the leaves.
Alright then, he gulped. His face was flush. It was weirdly exhilarating being exposed like this. His heart was beating so fast that he could hear its beating in his ears. His hands were shaking. What is wrong with me he thought. It was as if he had lost control of his body. In the next moment he felt himself bending over to pick up some books. His legs were slightly apart and as he bent forward he felt his genitals swing between his thighs and into view. He stayed like that for a few moments and continued fussing with the papers on the floor. He kept his legs straight as he bent from his hips. If his mother was still watching she would be getting the most intimate view. When he stood up after what seemed like an age she was still there. He felt the precum dripping down his leg. He was dizzy. Moments later she had switched off and gone back inside. Brett was literally quivering with an entirely new sexual excitement.
That night they spoke of ordinary things and talked about his university experiences some more. Neither of them brought up beykent escort the afternoon’s events again. Half the excitement lay in the fact that it was unspoken and unknown. Brett had no clue what his ordinarily very proper mother was thinking.
Almost a week past before she appeared outside his window again. Brett had been beginning to think that he had taken it too far previously or that she no longer found the thought of it exciting. But this time she was planting new flowers outside his room. Brett realised that she had probably been trying to come up with a new excuse to be there. This time Brett disrobed almost right away and stood drying himself giving his mother a full frontal view. He knew his penis was slightly bigger than the average. He was uncircumcised. His penis was a good shape. Thick and long. The head swelled proudly from the shaft. His balls were mostly hairless. The right hanging lower than the left. He kept his pubic hair cropped short and it accentuated his length. His athletic physique rippled as he rigorously dried himself. After a while he looked up and expected to see his mother pretending to be planting the flowers. Instead she was looking straight at him. She was smiling sweetly. She gave him a knowing and naughty stare and then went back to work. For moment Brett wasn’t sure if she had really made eye contact and if she had really acknowledged the fact that he was standing naked right in front of her. What is more is that not only had she acknowledged it but she had smiled. She had approved of it. This thought drove Brett crazy and his already half erect penis stiffened. The pre cum flowed from his urethral opening. His penis head was dark red from all the blood and it surged out of the foreskin. Brett’s mother looked up from her flowers. Her librarian glasses were halfway down her nose as she stared at his penis.
Brett’s mind was buzzing with the excitement. Part of him wanted to cover up even now. He was totally exposed at his most intimate. His mother was staring at his genitals. The same mother who had never really acknowledged the existence of sex or bodily functions. Brett felt utterly humiliated and powerless and at the time more exhilarated than he had ever been in his life. His mother was completely objectifying. She was looking at his penis as if it was some curious and exciting object. His whole body was tingling. He knew that they would never speak of this afterwards. That it was just for now in this weirdly intimate view through his window. He could see that she would be in an amazing mood and that this would make her very happy and forget about the problems with his father. It was the ultimate expression of sharing. The ultimate trust and revelation to someone to climax in front of them.
She smiled approvingly once warm and said ‘Come to mama’ as Brett unassisted and uncontrollably ejaculated in huge spurts of endless warm semen.
She coyly did a little applaud and beamed her thanks.
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