The Hen Party

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As I turned the corner to my street I saw my driveway full of cars and that’s when I remembered my wife telling me she was having another one of her ‘hen parties’. Noreen had told me not to come home from work until after ten. Well hell I thought I’m here now and I not going back out. I parked my car on the street went around to the side door of the garage and grabbed a couple of beers out of the frig I keep in there. I crept up the back steps thinking I would just sneak into our bedroom and stay there until after her little party was over. I swear Noreen is always being talked into one of type of home sales party or another. It’s either Tupper Ware or candles or gods only knows what else.

Once upstairs I tip toed across the landing of our split-level house only to hear screaming and laughing that could only come from of a room full of drunk women. I crept to the banister to see what the heck was going on and got the shock of my life. Sitting on the couch in our den was our next-door neighbor, Judy. She had her dress pulled up with one foot on the couch, her panties wrapped around one ankle, and I was staring right into her gaping pussy. I have to be honest here and say I’ve always had a thing for Judy. altıparmak escort She’s a large woman with big tits and a thick waist with a big ole bubble butt just the way I like them. The room grew quite as a lady I didn’t know knelt right in front of Judy.

“Judy I don’t care if you never had a climax in your life. You try our Rabbit 2.0 and if you don’t cum I’ll pay for it.”

“Nancy I keep telling you I get close and then I just freeze up and nothing happens.”

I heard Noreen, who sounded really drunk, say,

“Come on Jude you gotta try it, you just don’t know what’s your missing. Pull those big flaps open girl show us what ya got. My husband doesn’t know but I’ve seen his secret stash of porn and he loves great big pussy lips like you’ve got.”

My cock got rock hard as I watched Judy take her huge labia and spread them open for the whole room to see. Nancy picked up a strange looking device she called the Rabbit 2.0.

“First, ladies, notice this model is not hard plastic like most vibrators but a life like soft rubber. This devise is guaranteed to find your G-spot. When I turn this switch a quarter turn this parts grows warmer. Once you bursa anal yapan escort feel your G-spot starts getting warm, you turn the switch the full turn. Can you all see it undulate back and forth? OK Judy ready to give it a try?”

I watched Judy nod her head yes but I could tell her eyes were saying no. All of a sudden, my wife takes this contraption out of Nancy’s hand and tells the group she will lube it up for Judy. Next she proceeds to give this toy one of her class A blowjobs and as she pulls it out from between her lips there is a long string of saliva still attached to the tip of it. Nancy takes back her toy as she gives Noreen a stern look.

“Judy, you still look a little apprehensive, would you be more comfortable if I operated the Rabbit for you?”

Judy just nodded her head and as the room grew quite again she leads forward and places the toy at the opening of Judy’s pussy. This is so sexy, and I open my pants so I can play with myself as I watch. I hear Judy say she can feel the heat inside so Nancy turns the dial a full turn and we all watch Judy turn from nervous to excited and then to fully aroused. Even I can tell she’s ready bursa bayan escort to cum and all of a sudden, she grabs Nancy’s hand trying to stop her. Nancy tells her to keep her hands away,

“Just hold on Judy this is where the second part comes in.”

On top of the Rabbit is a second piece and it is connected with a hinge to the main part. As once again Judy becomes excited Nancy pushes the top part not into her pussy but on to her clit. That one touch was all it took to make Judy explode into a complete climax that finished with her sobbing,

“Thank you, thank you, oh that was so good I was sure I could never in my life have an orgasm.” After Judy finally calmed down enough the women began lining up to purchase the wonderful Rabbit 2.0.

Oh and Judy wasn’t the only one who came, as she did so did I and I spurted a rope of cum across the banister to where it landed somewhere downstairs. Later that night when my wife came upstairs she came to me and gave me a big kiss,

“Did you get to see the whole show?”

When I asked her, what did she mean she told me she saw me hiding in the shadows like a pervert. We fucked without a word, each in a separate fantasy. Later as we nestled together, I said,

“I couldn’t believe the size of Judy’s lips her pussy must be huge.”

“You should see her clit it’s as big as my thumb. I told her I would come over tomorrow and help her get off on her new toy.”

As I let my imagination play with that thought, I got hard again and Noreen and I fucked one more time.

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