Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32
“God I’m bored,” I thought as I looked at the clock for the twentieth time. It was two o’clock in the afternoon, and I did not finish work for another two and a half hours. I moved the mouse by my computer and watched the screen blink back to life. I checked my e-mail inbox once again, no new e-mails. I checked the company log, also no new notes. Theoretically that meant my job was done for the day, but leaving work early is frowned upon. I stood up and walked over to the door of my office; I peeked outside and saw no mobil porno one lurking about. I smiled to myself and locked the door before walking back to my desk. I carefully took off my jacket and slowly unbuttoned my blouse. I sat down by my desk and went onto my favorite porn site. I slowly got comfortable as I watched two girls making out on the screen. My hands slowly started to roam my chest and I knew my nipples had hardened. I pulled my bra down, releasing my breasts from captivity. I squeezed and caressed alman porno my breasts and gently pulled at my nipples as the girls on screen slowly undressed each other. I watched with my mouth open drooling at the sight of these two teenage girls playing. I so much wanted to be there too playing, kissing and sucking on their nubile young bodies. I watched as one of the girls sat back and her friend got on all fours in front of her. She buried her head between her friend’s legs and started alexis texas porno to eat her out. I stood up taking off my blouse and bra. I then unzipped my skirt and let it fall to the floor. I sat back down and pulled my panties to one side and slid my hand down the crevice of my slit and could feel the wetness touch my hand. I slowly started to rub my pussy, giving lots of attention to my already engorged clit. I groaned and closed my eyes only to fling the open again because I heard a squeal come from my screen. The girls were now in 69 both fingering each other like their lives depended upon it. I smiled and slipped two fingers into my pussy. I groaned as I slowly started to finger myself, I knew that if I kept this up I would make myself cum in a matter of minutes.
Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32
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