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I would like to warn you, the introduction of the guide stated, that becoming a bimbo can be quite intoxicating. Once you begin, you may not be able to go back. You will need this deep inside of you.
Day 8: Your New Hairstyle
Over the last week, we have made great strides in your looks and behavior. We are looking to continue these changes this week to mould you into the best version of yourself that you can be.
The focus of today will be developing and working on your bimbo hairstyle. You will begin to notice that it will take longer and longer for you to get ready in the morning to present yourself in the correct way. This is natural for your bimbo transformation, and will lead to an initial step back in your life academically and career-wise, which will make you happier and sexier.
The most important aspect of your new hairstyle is that it looks hot on you. I can provide general guidance on what most bimbos end up choosing. However, your primary task for today is to take a couple hours to try out different styles and to pick what you believe will be most pleasing to men.
General Bimbo Hairstyle Guidelines:
1. Your hairstyle should have some body. A typical bimbo hairstyle consists of wavy blonde hair.
2. Blonde hair is preferred. However, if natural dark hair is preferred by your dominant or whoever you are fucking, that is also acceptable.
3. You should use hairspray or some other methods to ensure that your hair maintains its desired shape throughout the day, even with heavy sexual use.
It is important to know that, as a bimbo, you ultimately need a man to take care of you financially and sexually. This man will determine things like your hairstyle to please him.
Now, your tasks for the day are:
1. You will wear a pair of 3+ inch heels the entire time you are away from home
2. You will wear pink or red lipstick, mascara, foundation, and eye shadow the entire time you are away from home
3. You will play with yourself for fifteen minutes after you wake up, once during the day, and before meeting any sexual partners. You may not cum.
4. You will wear a push up or a padded bra and a thong anytime you are away from home
5. You will complete the 30 minute ‘cardio’ workout
6. When away from home and not working out, you will wear a ‘Sexy’ outfit
7. You will spend two hours today developing what will be your new bimbo hairstyle
8. You will make sure your hair is styled appropriately for whenever you are away from home
Finding her perfect hairstyle had taken longer than the two hours suggested by the guide. Kate stood in the bathroom, admiring her wavy brown hair in the mirror. She had put enough hairspray in it so that it would stay in place through the roughest fucking.
As she smiled at herself in the mirror, Kate’s phone buzzed with a text from one of her friends. Where are you? Homework is due in biology and we have a quiz in 20.
Shit, Kate thought to herself. She had completely spaced on completing any of her work this morning.
She gathered her things quickly, making sure to spritz some perfume on her exposed cleavage, and hurried off as fast as her heels would allow.
Kate knew that she would not make it in time. Instead, she headed directly to the office of her instructor, Professor Stewart. She reached his door and sat on a bench outside, adjusting her mid-thigh skirt and pulling down her blouse slightly.
She stood quickly as he approached, five minutes later. “Professor Stewart, can I talk to you in your office please?”
He couldn’t help but look her up and down, and he silently nodded.
Kate entered his office and closed the door behind her. A little flirting should do the trick…
Day 9: A Permanent Wardrobe Change
In the previous days, we outlined the three acceptable groups of outfits for you to wear as a bimbo. Up until now, you have been allowed to wear other clothing when you are home alone. However, being a bimbo is not a part time job. In order to be fully in the right mindset, you must be willing to be a bimbo at all times. It is only through complete dedication that you will find happiness.
Today you will make some permanent modifications to your wardrobe. In addition, previous rules will change so that you will be required to wear proper bimbo attire at home as well.
Your primary task will be to sort through your entire wardrobe: outfits, shoes, accessories, and anything else you could or would wear. You will be required to throw out or donate all clothes that do not fit into the ‘Sexy’, ‘Slutty’, or ‘Fuck Me’ categories. A key exemption is your workout attire, which is limited to spandex, a sports bra, and athletic shoes.
Now, your tasks for the day are:
1. You will wear a sexy outfit with the appropriate makeup and hairstyle, at all times
2. Ümraniye Escort You will play with yourself for fifteen minutes after you wake up, once during the day, and before meeting any sexual partners. You may not cum.
3. You will wear a push up or a padded bra and a thong
4. You will complete the 30 minute ‘ass’ workout
5. You will go through your entire wardrobe and throw out or donate all items that do not fit into the three bimbo categories
Kate felt a rush through her body as she tossed the final bag of her discarded wardrobe into the donation bin. It had taken her the better part of a day to sort through her belongings.
Her closet at home looked bare. All her comfortable clothes, all her old volleyball sweatshirts, all her reminders of her previous life, gone.
She took a single breath to compose herself, and she got into her car to drive back home. As she drove, Kate smiled to herself. Nothing would stand in her way to become the best bimbo she could be.
Day 10: The Bimbo’s New Clothes
You have made some great strides toward your future happiness. As a bimbo, your focus is your own sexuality and the pleasure of men. Specifically, you should focus on the pleasure of men who take care of you, since you cannot fully take care of yourself.
With the previous modifications of your wardrobe, the next natural step in your bimbo transformation is finding someone who will ‘provide’ for you in exchange for pleasure. Provide in this context is in quotes, since you are still a bimbo novice. This will purely be an exercise in getting your feet wet with the future dynamic that will dictate your life.
For today, you will go to one of your previous sexual partners. It should take minimal convincing to get them to come lingerie shopping with you. The expectation is that they will ‘provide’ for you by buying you a new set of lingerie for your wardrobe. In exchange, you will act as their bimbo, pleasuring them and obeying them like a good little slut.
Now, your tasks for the day are:
1. You will wear a sexy outfit with the appropriate makeup and hairstyle, at all times
2. You will play with yourself for fifteen minutes after you wake up, once during the day, and before meeting any sexual partners. You may not cum.
3. You will wear a push up or a padded bra and a thong
4. You will complete the 30 minute ‘cardio’ workout
5. You will go lingerie shopping with one of your previous sexual partners. They will buy you a new outfit, and you will pleasure them twice, once in the changing room.
Jake had picked out three different sets of items for Kate to try on. She quickly undressed in the dressing room, placing her clothes in a neat pile.
She pulled on the first outfit, admiring the teddy in the mirror, and loving how it looked on her body. She opened the door, calling out for Jake. He appeared, standing in front of the door.
“Damn, you look great.”
“Thank you,” she said, smiling up at him.
With a pause, Kate took a deep breath, then reached out to pull Jake by the hand into the dressing room. She closed the door behind him, unbuckling his pants and pulling them to the ground. She got down on her knees wordlessly, and began bobbing her head up and down on his already erect cock.
“Oh, fuck,” he moaned out softly. “You’re such a good bimbo slut.”
Kate continued, moving her hand up his thigh to softly caress his balls. She took him deeper and deeper into her mouth, pushing against her gag reflex and trying to be a good slut for him.
Jake reached behind her, grabbing a fistfull of her hair. Without warning, he moaned out, pulling her down onto his cock and cumming into her mouth.
Kate began to slurp, careful not to drip any onto the floor.
Day 11: Thinking About Sex
Up until now, we have worked significantly on your appearance and your sexual growth toward being a bimbo. The next step in your transformation is mental.
There are a couple schools of thought for the mental aspect of bimbofication. Some believe the proper bimbo should be dumb and nearly unable to function by herself. I believe that, while there is some truth to that, a good bimbo should be able to predict the sexual needs of her partner(s) and act on them appropriately. Therefore, she is not ‘dumb’. It is just instead of thinking about school or work, she thinks purely about sex and pleasing her partner(s).
Building on this, for your bimboficaiton, we will then work on conditioning you to think more and more about sex throughout your entire day.
For today, you will build out a ‘bimbo playlist’ that you will continuously add to as needed. This playlist will consist of porn recordings, bimbofication mantras, bimbo songs, and anything else that reminds you of sex. Today you will be making a 3 hour long playlist.
Now, Anadolu yakası Escort your tasks for the day are:
1. You will wear a sexy outfit with the appropriate makeup and hairstyle, at all times
2. You will play with yourself for fifteen minutes after you wake up, once during the day, and before meeting any sexual partners. You may not cum.
3. You will wear a push up or a padded bra and a thong
4. You will complete the 30 minute ‘ass’ workout while listening to your bimbo playlist
5. You will create you 3 hour long ‘bimbo playlist’
6. You will listen to your bimbo playlist whenever possible today. This includes walking between classes, working independently at a desk, and while you are getting ready, among others. It is expected that you listen to this playlist for all 3 hours, spread throughout the day.
Kate sat in the library, biology book open in front of her. She was wearing a low cut dress that ended above her mid thigh. Her legs were crossed under her seat at her ankles, heels clicking against the wood in the rhythm to the bimbo mantra playing in her earbuds.
“I need to be a bimbo. I need to please men. I need to suck cock. I need to make them cum.
I need to wear short skirts. I need to show my tits. I need to please my partner. Because this will make me happy.”
As the mantra repeated itself over and over in her ears, Kate found herself quietly mouthing the words to the hypnotic rhythm. She closed her eyes, letting the words dominate her mind.
She exhaled as the track ended, and glanced down at her phone. The playlist had already finished, and it was only 4 pm. Kate looked between her open, ignored book and the phone on her desk.
I want to be a bimbo. I need to please men… she thought to herself.
Kate replayed her bimbo playlist from the beginning.
Day 12: Positive Actions
Different kinds of conditioning are effective on different kinds of people.
Mental conditioning for bimbos can happen in two primary ways. We explored the first yesterday: using recordings or external media to encourage thoughts about sex and to ‘dumb’ you down in other aspects of your life.
Conditioning can also occur by forcing actions that will become second nature to you. One example of this would be having you respond to “What do you want to do?” with “Anything you like, Sir.” Once you do it often enough, it becomes second nature to you. And, having habitual actions like this will lead to a better expression of your bimbo personality. There are examples of good bimbo habitual actions below:
General Bimbo Habitual Actions:
1. You must refer to yourself as a ditz until you start to believe it
2. You must introduce giggling and hair twirling into your regular communication patterns
3. You are unable to express an answer to any math question beyond basic addition or subtraction. For each complex math question, you will need to ask for assistance from a man. This will make some work or homework very difficult. If this will impact your life greatly, it is recommended that you find a smart man that can regularly assist you. You of course must repay him.
Please note that these above actions are suggestions. You will be required to write your own (or have your partner come up with them). The number of habitual actions you will have will increase as your bimbo transformation continues.
Now, your tasks for the day are:
1. You will wear a sexy outfit with the appropriate makeup and hairstyle, at all times
2. You will play with yourself for fifteen minutes after you wake up, once during the day, and before meeting any sexual partners. You may not cum.
3. You will wear a push up or a padded bra and a thong
4. You will complete the 30 minute ‘cardio’ workout while listening to your bimbo playlist
5. You will add an additional hour of content to your ‘bimbo playlist’
6. You will listen to your bimbo playlist whenever possible today for a minimum of all 4 hours
7. You will follow two habitual actions, either from the suggested above or of your partner’s choosing
Kate looked down at her phone. She had written a note for herself in the morning before she got ready: I will refer to myself as a ditz until I start to believe it. I will introduce giggling and hair twirling into my regular communications.
She quickly put her phone away and pulled out her earbuds as someone yelled her name. Jake walked up behind her, putting a hand around her waist. He looked her up and down, “Kate you look amazing again today.” He leaned in and whispered, “I expect nothing less from a bimbo in training.”
Kate smiled at him, giggling as she raised a finger to twirl her hair. “What can I say?”
He began leading her down the sidewalk toward her next class, keeping pace with Kate in İstanbul Escort her heels. “Headed to biology again?”
“Yep, but I’m such a ditz – I haven’t been able to understand anything that has been going on.”
As they walked up the steps toward her class, she caught the eye of Professor Stewart.
Day 13: A Bit More
At this point, we have reached the end of the first stage of your bimbo training. We have a special plan for you tomorrow. But, for today, we will continue to work on the lessons from the previous two weeks.
Now, your tasks for the day are:
1. You will wear a sexy outfit with the appropriate makeup and hairstyle, at all times
2. You will play with yourself for fifteen minutes after you wake up, once during the day, and before meeting any sexual partners. You may not cum.
3. You will wear a push up or a padded bra and a thong
4. You will complete the 30 minute ‘ass’ workout while listening to your bimbo playlist
5. You will listen to your bimbo playlist whenever possible today for a minimum of all 4 hours
6. You will follow three habitual actions, either the suggested from the previous day or of your partner’s choosing
Kate found herself again sitting in the office of Professor Stewart. He had called her there after class, mentioning something about her slipping grades. However, the meeting had taken a turn when he brought out some practice problems.
“So,” he asked. “How would you solve this question?”
He was a man in his late fifties. He was attractive, but much older than the men that Kate typically preferred.
Kate read it, twirling her hair subconsciously. “Well,” she said, giggling slightly. “We would first need to divide these two numbers.”
She paused, and he waited expectantly. Kate continued, “I-I’m sorry professor. What would the answer be for that? I’m not the best at math.”
Professor Stewart looked taken aback. “Well, it’s rather simple. You should be able to do it.”
Kate smiled, leaning forward to display her cleavage a bit better. She rested her hand next to his. “I’m feeling a bit ditzy today.”
He shifted slightly. He’s probably getting an erection. Kate got up and went around the table with her book. She sat on the edge of his desk, crossing her legs. Her short skirt was pulled up to quarter thigh length by the way she was sitting.
“I’m sorry professor. I’m trying. It’s just hard to wrap my mind around.”
Professor Stewart opened his mouth, “Young lady, I -“
Before he was able to continue, Kate reached out and placed her hand on his thigh. She looked at his eyes, and then looked back down and slid her hands up to his belt. She undid his pants, unzipping them as far as she could.
As he had yet to stand up, she moved her hand down and began rubbing his hard cock through his pants. “Professor, I may not be smart, but I am more than willing to work for my grades.”
He stood up. And before he could do anything else, Kate dropped to her knees and pulled his pants down, revealing his erect cock. It was smaller than Jake’s. But Kate didn’t mind. She just wanted to please.
She took his length into her mouth, bobbing her head quickly up and down his cock. As she continued, Kate grabbed one of the Professor’s hands and placed it behind her head.
“Grab my hair. Make me suck you off like a slut,” she whispered, before taking his cock back into her mouth.
Professor Stewart began to force her deeper and faster. He grabbed a fistfull of her hair, controlling her every movement.
“Mmmm,” he moaned out in pleasure. Kate could see the lust in his eyes.
With a grunt, he stopped, hand still in her hair. He came in Kate’s mouth, and Kate kept sucking obediently, making sure to swallow every last drop.
Professor Stewart stood there, breathing heavily. “I think…I think we can come to an arrangement. You may not be the smartest, but you are willing to work hard for your grades. “
Kate smiled up at him.
Day 14: Club Slut
You are now ready to take your next step toward becoming a bimbo. Today specifically focuses on putting this all together and publicly declaring your desire to be a slut.
No, this does not consist of an announcement on Facebook. This will consist of you dancing in a crowded club half naked with a stranger’s cum on your face and tits.
Today, you will follow the typical tasks from the last couple days. In addition, you will wear a Slutty outfit tonight and go clubbing, alone. You will find a stranger at the club, suck him off in the bathroom, and let him cum on your tits and face. Then, you will stay at the club for twenty more minutes, dancing with his cum on you.
Now, your tasks for the day are:
1. You will wear a sexy outfit with the appropriate makeup and hairstyle, at all times
2. You will play with yourself for fifteen minutes after you wake up, once during the day, and before meeting any sexual partners. You may not cum.
3. You will wear a push up or a padded bra and a thong
4. You will complete the 30 minute ‘cardio’ workout while listening to your bimbo playlist
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